Press Release |
Over 20,000 people kidnapped in Libya are being held in inhuman conditions
Over 20,000 people have been kidnapped or arrested by Gaddafi’s security forces in Tripoli and the surrounding cities over the past 5 weeks. Many of these had been taken from their homes, their places of work or from the streets and comprise mainly of young men, although it is believed that a small proportion are also women. It is understood that some of the detainees have been accused by the Gaddafi regime of being activists involved mainly in contacting foreign media outlets and sending video footages. Others have merely been accused of participating in pro-democracy demonstrations or involved in anti-regime activities via social media tools such as Facebook.
According to prison guard sources within Tripoli, detainees have been crammed into Abu Saleem prison, Ein Zara Prison, the Police Academy, the former Tobacco factory in Tripoli and other various military camps across the city. The conditions under which they are being held are believed to be extremely harsh, inhumane and degrading. Prisoners are denied basic sanitary facilities, including showers and have been refused medical assistance even for the most critical of cases. Detainees have not been given any change of clothing and are forced to sleep on cold and uneven concrete floors. Food and water is rationed to half a loaf of bread and a bottle of water per prisoner every 24 hours.
This is in addition to reports of the brutal torture, humiliation and interrogation of many of the detainees. Reports also indicate that the bodies of prisoners who had died in captivity have not been handed over to their families. It is unknown where these bodies were taken.
These conditions are in clear gross violation of international humanitarian laws and we urgently call on the United Nations Human Rights Council and other global Human Rights organizations to send delegations to inspect the situation of these prisoners and to put pressure on the Gaddafi regime to release them immediately.
Libya: EU geared up for the humanitarian challenge
Brussels, 24 August 2011 - Following the dramatic events in Libya with the speedy progress of National Transition Council troops into Tripoli, the European Commission confirms that it is fully prepared to respond to humanitarian needs stemming from the fighting and its aftermath.
Kristalina Georgieva, the European Commissioner for International Cooperation, Humanitarian Aid and Crisis Response, said: "The Commission has been planning for this event for months now. We have prepositioned humanitarian stocks in the accessible zones of Libya and have coordinated all efforts with our humanitarian partners. We are ready. Europe will continue to help in an efficient and non-discriminatory way all Libyans who need humanitarian assistance".
The European Commission Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection department (ECHO) will initially focus on support to the healthcare sector, notably the provision of war surgery and assistance to hospitals which are dealing with a probable large number of war-wounded and with the immediate emergency needs of the general population. Another priority will be protection, including education on demining and identification of risk areas allowing for the safe return of civilians. The Commission will also continue to fund the provision of relief to all vulnerable Libyans and to the refugees who have been trapped in the country by the violence of the last months.
Out of the €80 million which the European Commission has allocated to respond to the Libyan conflict, funding of €10 million was reserved to provide assistance once Tripoli and the coastal cities opened up for delivery of relief. Humanitarian stocks, particularly medical supplies, have been prepositioned by humanitarian partners in the East of the country and areas held by the opposition. This advance planning ensures that the Commission is now in a position to deliver aid swiftly and efficiently.
Throughout the crisis, the Commission has constantly coordinated its work through its experts on the ground and through its humanitarian partners which include the International Committee of the Red Cross, UN agencies and NGOs. This coordination can now ensure the rapid and effective scaling up and delivery of aid to all parts of Libya.
The European Union has repeatedly reiterated its commitment to deliver humanitarian assistance to all Libyans and people in need in an impartial and non-discriminatory manner. This commitment is evident in the fact that the EU is the largest donor in this emergency, with over €150 million worth of humanitarian aid.
Humanitarian aid is part of the wider package of assistance that the European Union is providing in response to the uprising in Libya. As the High Representative and Vice President of the Commission Catherine Ashton said on Tuesday, 23 August, the EU is committed to use all instruments at its disposal to play its full part in supporting the country's reconstruction and development.